Friday, February 14, 2020

Immigration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 8

Immigration - Essay Example Basing a reflection on Rhodes, the powerful Greek monument made after Greece defeated Cyprus, Emma wants to make a comparison of how the American nation attains its strength. Other than Greece that relied on war and strength to conquer its neighbors, she portrays American as a peaceful and friendly nation that welcomes immigrants who are suffering from all sorts of atrocities around the world (Lazarus 23). Relating American’s statute to the ancient Greek’s Colossus f Rhodes signifies that other than focusing on military superiority, freedom, enlightenment as well as compassion are evidenced across the American nation. The concept of â€Å"America as the land of opportunity,† is portrayed in the author’s message and the Statute of Liberty in New York Harbor where the poem is engraved. Rather than using a man and weapons of war, the statute is represented by a woman with a torch signifying change from the norm within societies. It is very direct that the wor ds of the poem serve in promising immigrants to America peace and opportunity. It is however important to note that although the promises in the poem were met by majority of immigrants, some failed to realize the promises but rather faced challenges upon migration to America. Debates over whether America is a land of opportunity as the words in the poem indicate has lived since the 19th century until today. These debates continuously focus on the American people weighing the benefits of migration in the country. It is however important to note that despite some immigrants failing to meet the promises provided in the poem some lived to the dream and to them America became a land of opportunities and the same has continued for their generations. The largest number of immigrants within a period of around forty years reached over twenty million between 18980-1920. The immigrants increased the American population by significant numbers

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Unit 2 HA499 Capstone Project Research On A Real-Life Healthcare Essay

Unit 2 HA499 Capstone Project Research On A Real-Life Healthcare Organization - Essay Example population, as of February 15, 2012, 25% of this actually belong to the so-called baby boom generation, which has already reached retirement (Rogers, 2012). In 2009, the number of American individuals aged 65 and above was almost 40 million, and this statistics is projected to become 72.1 million in 2030 based on the numbers released by the U.S. Census Bureau (Rogers, 2012). With the increasing number of the aging population, the medical wing of the U.S. faces a great challenge of addressing this proliferating number, which needs to be prioritized in terms of therapies, medicines, and other forms of medical support. In improving access to health care, there are lots of factor to be considered, such as addressing contextual and individual determinants (Andersen et al., 2011). The contextual determinant refers to the â€Å"circumstances† and â€Å"environment† in which healthcare is accessible, such as the availability of healthcare organizations including medical research facilities (Andersen et al., 2011, p. 4). On another perspective, writing theoretical research concerning the health care industry only generates solutions to problems that may or may not be applied in actuality. For instance, a research published by Anderson, Crabtree, Steele, and McDaniel, Jr. (2005) posed a question regarding the practicality of suggested solutions generated by hundreds of researches to the medical practice. Simply saying, the results earned out from prolific researchers remain abstract and a theory all throughout because physicians, nurses, and other health care workers failed to institute and implement those suggestions (Anderson et al., 2005). A lot of researches characterized the health care industry as a â€Å"mechanistic† organization (Anderson et al., 2005, p. 670). This means that the industry is a simple structure and can be predicted using a relational approach that a particular action is predicted to cause this effect (Miller, 1993 as cited in Anderson